VID 1: Economic Integration
4.4 - Economic Integration 1. common market 2. customs union 3. free trade area (FTA) 4. globalization 5. trading block 6. monetary union 7. trade creation 8. trade diversion |
VID 1: tutor2u on Integration
VID 2: MjM on Trade blocs
VID 9: WTO: overview
VID 3: Euro 1 (dis)advangtages
VID 4: Euro 2 Greek bailout
VID 10: Is the WTO still needed?
VID 5: WTO in 89 seconds
VID 6: Trade creation vs Trade diversion
VID 11: Understanding the WTO
VID 7: Trade creation + diversion ( w/diagrams)
VID 8: The EU - brief history
VID 12: WTO history