Market Power
A: Introduction
VID 6: Types of Market Structure
Perfect Competition
VID 1: Perfect Competition (Welker)
VID 2: Foodie on Perfect
VID 3: Foodie on Monopoly
VID 4 Monopoly + Welfare Loss
B: Costs
VID 7: Diminishing Returns: Welker on DMR
Monopolistic Competition
VID 5: Foodie on Monopolistic
VID 6: Tutor 2 U: Monopolistic
VID 7: Marginal Revoluion on Monopoly
VID 12: Monopoly and Economies of Scale
C: Revenues
Profit - 4 models
Oligopoly Competition
VID 8: Foodie on Oligopoly
VID 9: Tutor 2 U: Oligopoly
VID 10: Price Discrimination
VID 11: Tutor 2 U - Monopoly
D: 4 Models
1. Perfect Competition:
2. Monopolistic ('mistic') Competition:
3. Oligopoly Competition:
4. Monopoly Competition:
VID 20: Oligopoly Game Theory (Welker)
VID 19: Oligopoly Game Theory
VID 18: Oligopoly: Game Theory
VID 16 Economies of Scale
VID 17 Economies of Scale
VID 14: Economies of Scale + Welker
Compare Models:
Hall of Fame
Anti Competitive Behavoiour